Unlock the Future of Personalized Health Diagnostics with US

Embark on a path-breaking journey of preventive healthcare with AI.

How it works

Mad Machines synthesizes ancient medical wisdom with advanced technology (AI/ML) and has developed a unique AAA algorithm for early diagnosis, prediction, treatment, and continuous monitoring of health biomarkers.


Predict diseases at an early stage and the probabilities of future diseases through our ML algorithm

Natural Healing

Natural and organic treatment solutions for holistic, safe and effective healing

Monitor & Track

Continuous monitoring of health parameters by tracking vital biomarkers

Personalized Recommendation

Personal guidance based on past & current health and future predictions, 24x7 responsive and interactive structure


Creating an ecosystem that connects doctors, hospitals, clinics, insurance, nutritionists and trainers

Rewrite your health code

Health Profile

By continuously monitoring your biomarkers, we construct a distinct health profile for you, enabling personalized plans in Lifestyle, Fitness, and Nutrition.


Advanced predictive algorithms to foresee potential diseases at an early stage and even anticipate future health risks for timely intervention and preventive measures.


We assist couples experiencing delayed conception & ensure birth of a healthy baby. Powered by AAA algorithm, helping through Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum for the couple & child.

Our Products


A Proactive Health App

Prakriti Analysis, your Pulse based blueprint

Know your Physical Activity, Sleep Quality and Perceived Stress scores

Personalized Lifestyle & Food recommendations

Track your progress daily

Predict diseases by AAA sciences

IoT Pulse Device

Pulse Analyzer : Your Rhythm Decoder

Non-invasive device based on ancient diagnostic technique of Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Detection)

Real-time data collection of Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Designed to aid in assessing current health status of an individual

Assists in tailor made lifestyle recommendations to improve their health


One Stop Solution : Preconception 2 Postpartum

Preconception: Assess, diagnose & track fertility of male & female

Natural holistic solutions in order to improve preconception health of couple

During Pregnancy: Continuous monitoring of vital mother & foetal parameters

Insights & solutions to maintain good health of the duo

Postpartum: Recovery solutions for mother

Tracking, monitoring & developmental insights for infant

Who are we

Our organization is a cohesive ecosystem of skilled professionals and researchers, united by a common passion to revolutionize healthcare and improve outcomes for millions of patients globally.

Our vision is of a future where healthcare becomes anticipatory, tailored to each individual, and seamlessly woven into their daily existence. Our commitment lies in spearheading a groundbreaking era of preventive and ongoing monitoring solutions, empowering individuals to assume greater control over their health and overall well-being.

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